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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-05-25

  昆士兰科技大学 Queensland University of Technology (QUT),又译昆士兰理工大学,设于府城布里斯本。1990年升格为综合型大学;1993年获首届“年度澳大利亚大学”肯定。校风自信、教学严谨、修业过程严正,学子富实践精神、抗压性高、竞合意识强烈。毕业生在昆士兰州工程界及企业界素有举足轻重的影响力;校友人数颇众、活跃且贡献良多。2007年大学评鉴,昆科大在全国38所之中,排名第10,全球排名前200大;现为澳大利亚规模第二大的教学型大学(第一大为蒙纳许大学)。


  1908年QUT正式创校,设址于城中的原校总区Gardens Point隶属于中央技术学院(Central Technical College),负责国家技职培训的教育

  1965年改制为昆士兰技术学院 (Queensland Institute of Technology),工商法导向,自信严谨的校风此时逐渐形成

  1990年奉准升格为昆士兰科技大学 (Queensland University of Technology),为府城的第二所综合型大学


  QUT现时校总区在奇云角(Kelvin Grove),离布里斯本市中心仅2公里,此外还有位处城中的主校区花园角(Gardens Point)、市郊北部的卡苏丁(Carseldine)分校以及位于昆士兰州中部地区的卡布澈(Caboolture)分校;QUT的无线网络设施遍布校园各角,是全澳早期校内无线化建设最先进的大学之一。


  2007年政府研究资金(Australia Research Coucil)的分发中,QUT获得了澳币$ 4,121,030 的补助。


  校址设于城中昆士兰州议会旁之QUT主校区-Gardens Point自创校起即以教授理工、法律和商务企管起家;校园面积小,高楼林立,其强项今扩及资讯科技、建筑、工业设计、工程和环境科学,学生约21,890名。

  位于Kelvin Grove校总区内新设的创意产业学院乃目前QUT的重点校务计划,其强项尚有英语和国际学生过渡课程、健康服务、语文、教育和法律研究,学生约10,750名。

  卡苏丁分校 强项在人文和社工服务,学生计2,014名。2008年4月,QUT表示卡苏丁校经多年注掖,新生最终仍流向城中主校区Gardens Point与校总区Kelvin Grove;其资金因此将逐年递减予前两大校区,未来将重新定位以便资源能更适当地使用。卡布澈分校则持续现有定位和营运。

  卡布澈分校 旨在服务昆士兰中部地区的学子,强项尚待QUT及澳大利亚教育部定位,学生有279名。


  QUT has four main campuses:

  Gardens Point (GP) The Gardens Point campus is located on the Brisbane River in the city centre, next to the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens and Queensland Parliament House. The Brisbane Graduate School of Business and the Gardens Cultural Precinct are located within this campus. This campus is also home to the Built Environment and Engineering, Business, Information Technology, Law, and Science faculties, as well as QUT’s languages programs.

  Kelvin Grove The Kelvin Grove Campus is situated in the suburb of Kelvin Grove, about three kilometres north of Brisbane’s central business district. The Creative Industries Precinct is part of this campus. The Education, Health and Creative Industries faculties are located at this campus, along with the QUT International College. The Kelvin Grove Campus is also the home for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI) which is the only ARC centre in Australia for humanities.

  Carseldine In the outer suburb of Carseldine, 13 kilometres north of the city centre, this campus houses the Humanities and Human Services faculty, as well as the Psychology & Counselling programs. Some units in Business, Science and Information Technology are also taught at Carseldine, in addition to being taught at Gardens Point. It has recently been announced that as of then end of 2008 the Carseldine Campus will be closed.

  Caboolture The Caboolture campus, located 45km north of Brisbane, shares its campus with the Brisbane North Institute of TAFE. The campus offers full courses in Business, Primary Education and Nursing as well as entry to Creative Industries which currently must later be completed at a different campus after the first year.

