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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-02

First, I want to tell everyone that my visa interview was very easy. I waited for 2 hours to see the VO but just took 2 minutes to 搞定 him. Confidence and eye contact are important. 还是那句话,要在气势上压倒VO。

Knocked on the door, got in, closed the door, and sat down.
translator said:“你好!” I said, "good afternoon", translator responded, "good afternoon" I turned my face to VO and smiled.
VO: English or Chinese
Me: English of course
VO said to TR, "you can leave." Tr smirked and rushed out (以掩耳不及盗铃之速)
VO: what’s the qualification you hold now?
ME: Bachelor of Economics
VO: what’s subject will you learn?
VO: what do you do now?
ME: working in EDELMAN
VO: Can you spell it?
VO murmured: Is this the name of company?
ME loudly: yes, that’s it.
VO 委屈的说:OK
VO: Who will sponsor your studying in UK?
ME: My parents and myself.
VO: How much?
ME: My parents prepared 210,000 and I prepared 4000 US dollars and 2600 pounds.
VO: How much US$ do you have?

我这才注意到 that VO didn’t use computer but wrote down all my answers on paper in 只有他自己才看得明白的特殊符号. I was smart enough to recognize that he wrote "RMB210,000 US$ " on the last line. I replied four thousand. VO noticed that I was 歪着头正看着他画画, felt so nervous. 急急忙忙抽出一张白纸开始在上面画 and said your visa would be ready and you could pick up it 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.

I said thanks and smiled to him when he passed the paper to me. he said bye-bye when I stood up.

整体感觉vo is a traditional arrogant gentle British man. The interview room is no.12.


My parents prepared 210,000 and I prepared 4000us$ and 2600 pounds.
就三张存单,但附有interest sheet。210,000已经存了2两年了。材料就是那些,前人的贴子都有,想说的是父母的职称证明和study plan是有必要的,检查材料的小姐留下了,身份证复印件,材料清单和驾驶证复印件被扔了出来,所以大家不要白花钱复印了。

