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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-03


感觉成都的签证官很看重工作经验,今早我一说我刚工作不长时间他就把我据了,sigh 大侠们给我提提2000的建议吧,谢谢了

me: good morning, sir, nice to meet you.
vo: nice to meet you too, how are you?
me: I am fine, thanks.
vo: so when do you graduate?
me: in June, this summer.

星辉点评1. 工作经验不足。这是今年成都签证官拒签学生所频繁使用的理由。这位同学今年刚毕业,只工作了半年,跟中国没有很强的联系。其实回答了这个问题后,就已经基本注定了他将被拒签的命运,而他后面的回答更不能从根本上改变这一弱点。

vo: and which university?
me: *** University.
vo: why do you want to study in US?
me: well, studying in US is one of the most important steps for my future career plan, and my future career plan is to start my own computer company in China in the area of data mining. But data mining in China now is very weak, so I need to study the advanced knowledge in US. What’s more, the coures in that university fits my interest very well, and the professor David has almost the same research interest as me. And I believe it will be a great help for my future career.

星辉点评2. 能把学习目的和归国计划结合起来说很好,但可惜的是开公司的计划并不现实,因为他并不具备开公司所需要的如管理经验和资金等条件,有点象空中楼阁,距离太远。而且他才工作了半年,对这个具体的领域并没有太深的了解,几年后在中国应用的前景也无法作出准确的预测。

vo: so you are working in this real estate company now?
me: yes.
vo: how long have you worked there?
me: from July 1st till now.

星辉点评3. 既然想在IT行业有所发展,为什么要选择到一家房地产公司工作?对将来的事业似乎没有更直接的帮助,所以工作也是一个问题。上面的这几个硬伤已经足以让签证官做出判断,被拒签就再所难免了。

vo: I am sorry I cannot give you visa this time. but I hope you do not give it up. you can work for a longer time,maybe 1 year or 2 years, and then come here to apply again.
me: sir, can you give me a chance to say a few words before you stamp on it?
vo: ok, please.
me: I want to give you some specific reasons that I will come back to China. The most important reason that I will come back is my future career plan is in China, not in US. I can accomplish my plan only in China. The second reason is all my relatives and friends are in China, especially my fiancée. Now she is a Phd student major in accounting in Wuhan University. The third reason is I must come back to inherit my father’s fortune. Here are some certificates of my family’s fortune. Would you like to have a look?
vo: no, no. Although you are an excellent student coz you get the assistantship, I am still sorry this time.

星辉点评4. 归国的理由听起来振振有辞,但实际上没有具体能说服人的东西,显得很空洞。

me: OK, thanks anyway.



