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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-10

always saying "I strongly agree/disagree..." 我发觉很多文章都是这样开头的,没新意。One has to use various ways to attact the reader s attention.
i. Broad statement. Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement.
ii. Contrast. This approach will surpise your readers and make them intrigued
iii. Relevance. Explain the importance of your topic.
iv. Anecdote. Use an incident or brief story.
v. Questions. Ask your readers one or more questions.
vi. Quotations.

2. Unity (偏题的问题最大了)
a) What is unity? Oneness in idea.
b) What are the linguistic devices that contribute to the unity?
They are top sentences, repetition, direct/indirect restatement of the controlling idea and reference

3. Coherence
Cohesive ties: Repetition, ellipsis, reference, substitution, transitional expressions

4. Syntax, Diction and Style (个人认为这部分很重要)
a) Avoid slangy stuff and cliches don’t use “guys”, “kids”, or “dazed me out” be even more cautious about using slang like “that yucky dessert really grossed me out”
b) Help wipe out “formal speak”: A formal style need not mean flowery, wordy, or pretentious.
inasmuch = because
at this point in time = now
in the not-too-distant future = soon
due to the fact that = because
in reference to = about
aware of the fact that = know
be in a position to/have the ability to = can
c) Avoid redundancy
past memory ( Aren’t all memories past?)
deliberate lie ( Can one tell an “accidental lie?”)
few and far between
enclosed inside
each and every
full and complete
personally I think
total capacity
hopes and desires
fuchsia in color
from that moment in time
d) There is no need to repeat the same tired verbs.
Here’s a negative example (有些人专门借此卖弄一番,但是效果适得其反)
Please do not annoy, torment, pester, plague, molest, worry, badger, harry, harass, heckle, persecute, irk, bullyrag, vex, disquiet, grate, beset, bother, tease, nettle, tantalize, or ruffle the animals.
San Diego Zoo
San Diego Wild Animal Park
e) Prioritizing dejargonization 专业术语并不显示你知识渊博,相反会使阅卷人不爽
d) Avoiding sexist language 性别和种族歧视不能体现在文中,最好多用复数

5. Writing process: prewriting/invention, Drafting, Revising and editing (鉴于很多人不知怎么落笔,我在此只讲怎么构思)
ways of prewriting:

