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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-10

(2007。3。31)Nowadays, people perform their everyday tasks, such as banking, shopping as well as business transactions, without the need of meeting other people face to face. What are the possible effects of the phenomenon on the individual and the society as a whole?

(2007.4.14)Some people believe that advertisements should be banned since they serve no useful purpose and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(2007.4.21) Nowadays, customers are facing increasing advertisements with the competition of different companies. To what extent do you think customers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect the customers? (新题/分析建议类)

(2007.5.12) Some people believe that some unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (旧题/教育类)

(2007.5.19) Nowadays, computers are used more and more widely in the field of education. In which areas are computers more important and in which areas are teachers more important?(全新题、教育类)

(2007.6.2)Today, more and more developing countries are expanding tourist industry. Why is it the case? Do you regard it as positive or negative? (半新题/社会现象类)

(2007.6.16) In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. Some people think that there are negative effects on both families and the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (半新题/社会现象类)

(2007.7.7) In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In some other countries, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system do you think is more appropriate? (新题、教育类)

(2007.7.14) In the past, lectures were used as way of teaching large number of students. But some people believe that with the development of technology, using lectures is no longer justified. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (新题/教育类)

(2007.7.21) Good relationship between different countries is becoming more important than before. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(2007.8.18) Some people think we should invent a new language that can be used by people all over the world for international communication. Do you think its benefits would outweigh the problems?

(2007.8.25) Some people think that it is necessary to save money for the life after retirement. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (价值观念类)

(2007.9.8) 图表作文:Pie Chart 3

Essay: Nowadays, more and more people are depending on cars in their daily life. Some people think it has caused problems. What are the problems? Do you think we should encourage people to use cars? (社会现象)

(2007.9.22) 图表作文: 流程图 (净化水)

Higher education can be funded in several ways. 1. All costs by the government 2. All costs by the students 3. Government loan (Repaid by the students after graduation)

What are the benefits of each method? Which one is the best from your point of view? (政府决策类)

(2007.10.13) Some employers focus on academic qualifications, paying less attention to life experiences and personal qualities.

Why is this phenomena?

