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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-07-01

  澳大利亚将于2007年年底进行大选,为了能够在大选中卫冕,总理霍华德23日宣布了他的内阁改组名单,移民部长范斯通(Amanda Vanstone)被撤换,由原任劳工部长安德鲁斯(Kevin Andrews)接下这个攸关自由党联邦大选出线的关键职位。

  总理霍华德当天表示,包括移民部长范斯通(Amanda Vanstone)、体育和艺?X部长肯普(Rod Kemp)以及公民与多元文化部长戈里(Gary Hardgrave)都会卸任。在被撤换的三名部长中,移民部长一职最为关键。

  Kevin James Andrews, born 9 November 1955, is currently the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. He was previously Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations in the Howard Government from 7 October 2003 to 23 January 2007.

  Andrews has been a Liberal member of the Australian House of Representatives since March 1996, representing the Division of Menzies in Victoria. He was born in Sale, Victoria, and was educated at Monash University. He was a barrister before entering politics. He is Roman Catholic.

  Andrews was Coordinator of Continuing Legal Education for the Law Institute of Victoria from 1981 to 1983, and an Associate to Sir James Gobbo, Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, from 1983 to 1985.

  As a backbencher, Andrews authored a bill which later overrode Northern Territory legislation that legalised euthanasia (ie. the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1996). Andrews’ Euthanasia Laws Bill 1996 is one of only fifteen Private Member’s Bills implemented as law in Australian Parliamentary history and the second in ten years.

  Andrews was Minister for Ageing from 26 November 2001 to 7 October 2003, and as Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations from 7 October 2003 to 23 January 2007, was responsible for introducing the Howard Government’s major changes to industrial relations law in 2005.

  现在澳大利亚政府内阁成员中,总理Howard, 财长Peter Costello,律政部长Phillip, 教育部长Bishop,移民部长Kevin Andrews,环境部长Malcolm都是律师出身。外交部长Alexander Downer毕业于英国纽卡素大学,出身于政治世家;副外交部长芮捷锐毕业于拉筹伯大学经济学博士,出任驻华大使。教育部长Julie Bishop毕业于阿德来德大学和哈佛商学院,以这样的豪华内阁阵容,工党想在2007年年底的大选中翻盘,希望渺茫!

  Kevin Andrews同财长Peter Costello一样毕业于Monash大学法学院。Malcolm Turnbull从政前为商业银行家, 大律师,与总理Howard师出同门,毕业于悉尼大学法学院,担当环境部长。Kevin, Malcolm的升职,意味着律师开始在澳洲移民部及澳洲内阁担当重任。澳洲社会中“读书无用论”将会逐渐成为历史。

  KEVIN ANDREWS 新的这个部长职位名字也更名为 移民公民部长(Immigration & Citizenship),去掉了以前的多元化(Multicultural), 也许意味着澳大利亚以后对入籍要求的提高,对澳大利亚文化价值的认可,或许也意味着澳大利亚移民政策许多新的变化...

