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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-07-03



    Q. I am an accountant but only have IELTS 6 and have not completed the Professional Year. How can I receive priority processing?

    A. Only accountants who have a minimum of 7 in each IELTS component or have completed the Professional Year program under the sc485 visa qualify for priority processing under the CSL.
This means that if you want to have your application given priority, you have the option of sitting the IELTS test and gaining a minimum of 7 in each component of the test, which is ‘proficient English’.

    Once you have received your ‘proficient English’ IELTS results, you should contact the department on the post-lodgement form to have your visa processed as a priority.

    从上述移民局的说法来看,已经申请的人,可以通过递交新的雅思7 7 7 7来获得优先。当然,前提是之前提交的成绩已经符合885的申请条件,只是通过四个7来获得优先。

