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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-07-09

最近一段时间以来 ,雅思口语题目和写作题目经常互相借用,拼凑组合,特别是新的写作题目经常取自于口语话题,这其实是好现象,说明我们的口语和写作是可以一起准备的,不要把他们孤立开来。

总之,2009.1-6月23次考试中有16次难度适中,3次稍难,只有2.7,3.14,4.4,5.9较难,证明了我的判断2009 雅思不会有什么明显的变化--难度,题型是不会变的,最多是根据每场具体情况增加修改点题库的题目.实际上雅思考试多年来是很稳定的,雅思的分数是一个标准的衡量尺度,不能变化频繁,难度和题型是很稳定的,这样才能体现公平公正.雅思考试全国一个月共4-5场,考官一直尽量在维持每次考试难度的一致性,虽然实际上有些偏差,不过偏差不大.基本上阅读,听力,大小作文的难度要形成一个平衡。比如,阅读难,听力就不能难了,大作文难写,小作文就需要简单些。阅读难,听力就不会难…如果总体难度大,评分要求也会下调,比如2.7虽然很难,可是考鸭分数都不会低的,而有时候考试简单了,反而分数却不高。所以在考场上考生要有良好的心理素质,不以物喜,不以己悲,沉着冷静,坚持到最后,尽力而为。但是雅思考试太频繁,考官经常也难把握好,因为每次考试考生人数差别大,考点数差别大,加上有单独A类的,也有A/G类的,所以也就会出现难度不均衡的偏差了。大家可以认真查看2009雅思考试的时间安排表,选择相对比较有利的时间报考。







7.4三新一旧可能性 40%,两旧两新可能性是40%,三旧一新可能性20%。填空题和单选题都要注意加强训练,特别是填空题估计会比较多。考生要很细致,重视填空中的单词拼写,名词单复数和大小写问题,不要空欢喜听得懂,结果是拼写错误或遗漏多,但是也不要无中生有,乱加S,大写,许多考生已经倒在这上面了。关于大小写问题特别提醒:听力答案要么采取全部从头到尾每个单词和字母大写的方法;要么根据实际情况只需专有名词,如人名地名等大写。采取把一部分没把握的答案大写的方法是错误的。听力近半年真正全新题目较少(每次大约1-2个),而较多修改旧题目了,特别是部份答案都改了。这也是09年的趋势,请大家注意了,不要完全依靠听力机经。听力考试不用怕出新题,其实大部分新题目都简单的,大家完全可以靠实力做好题目的。喜欢背听力机经的烤鸭可以参考预测版本号去背。但是要背就要背透,不然考试时想不起来。同时也要注意有的机经题目虽考到了,却做了修改,考官很狡猾的。建议大家,利用机经的场景去记那些高频词,而不要太拘泥于机经本身。在场景中记高频词,是非常有效的途径,我个人觉得这实际作用更大。因为你会对高频词反应灵敏,而往往被你反应到的词,可能就是答案。听力的复习建议采取两手同时进行的原则-听透剑桥1-6(时间不够的就4-6)+背下面预测中的听力机经版本号。时间少的就以听写剑桥4-6为主,大声跟读复叙听力原文,既练听力又提高口语,或者听听有原文的每天最新的BBC,VOA.重视真正听力能力的提高。

V08120S1S2S4 V081206S1S3 V08121S2S4  V08124S2 V08125S3S4

V08129S1S4 V08130S4 V08131S4 V08132S2 V08134 S3S4  V08135 S4

  V08136 S2 V08137 S3S4   V08138 S1S4   V08139 S2  

V08140 S2S4 V08141S1   V08142S1  V08143 S2S4  V08144s4  V08145 S1S2

  V08146 S1S4  V08147S1S2S3 V080202S4  V080214S1S2S3  V08231s3s4

  V081023s2s3 V08118S1S3 V080110S2 V081108S1S4 V081120S1S3S4

V081129S1S3  V07102s3;V07104s1;V07107s2;V07109s3;V07111S1S4;

V07114S1S2 ; V07118s2;V07134s3;V07135s1;V07141s2;V07142s1s2;

V07143s1,s4;V07147s1s4;07148s1s3; V07138s2s3   V070310s2s4  V070707s1s2 



V30018s1,s3; V30019s1,s2,s3;V30020s1,s4;V30032s1;V30033s1,s3,s4;


V30037s1,s3,s4;V30038s1,s2,s3;V30039s3; V30040s2,s4;V30041s2,s4;


V30049s1,s2,s3;V30059s2;V30060s1,s4; V30061s1,s2,s4;V30062s3,s4;

V30072s1,s3,s4;V30074s1,s4; V30076s1,s4;V30078s1,s2,s4;V30080s1,s3;

V30081s1,s3; V30083s1,s4,V30085s2;V30086s3;

V30090s3,s4; V06101s2;V06102S4;V06111S4;v06113S2;S4;v06119S4;



V06144s2;V06146s1;V06148s4; v06121S1;v06125S2 ;V06108s2;V06110s2;






V40112 s1s2s3s4,V40116s2,V40121s2,V40213s4,v21S1,S2,S3;V26S1,S2,S3;




6.27A类阅读重点题型应该还是: match, summary,t/f/ng ,段落信息品配,list of heading建议专项总结重点题型,加强训练。

提醒:是非判断题t/f/ng务必注意答案规范化,比如2月21日考试, T/F/NG考很多题目(预测课上我还特别要求学员专项总结该题型)三篇都有,但是前两篇是要求答案写TRUE/FALSE/Not Given,最后一篇却要求写YES/NO/NOT GIVEN,相当多考生答案不规范。

阅读考不好主要是三大原因:1.词汇量太少;2.阅读输入量少:应对当前阅读较难的趋势,阅读量一定要够才能考出好成绩,阅读量不足永远别想提高阅读速度(剑桥1-6+刘洪波的雅思阅读真经3,2---如果读完这个量,你会发现你的阅读速度贼快!);3.雅思阅读文章特点和解题技巧没掌握。雅思阅读出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,雅思阅读提高做题速度和命中率的捷径是:a.剑桥1-6真题中同义替换词和考点词的掌握 b.雅思阅读文章特点和解题技巧掌握。


G类阅读重点题型:t/f/ng , match, list of headings,summary .建议A/G类考鸭都要把剑桥4-6(有时间的同学剑桥1-6)上面提到的重点题型集中在一起专项复习。考前做题一定要掐时间,把阅读速度和质量进行磨合(雅思考试中阅读和写作经常有相当一部分考生没做完),可以使用叶毅斌老师课堂讲过的平行做题法,平行读透和归纳关键词一样的题目,有目的地阅读,重点精读跟题目有关的句子段落,以此来保证做题质量和速度。在平常的阅读训练中培养课堂强调的雅思阅读三大品-confidence, carefulness, patience。同时参考复习课堂讲义中的题型解题技巧,注意出题特点--同义转达,句型替换,语法替换和考点不考面的规律。坚持句子对句子,词对词,点对点的做题方法,保证每个题目的证据定位;精读对照并验证题目和原文的替换和转化。我博客阅读专栏文章---雅思阅读捷径-文章剖析和解题策略,大家可以去看。大家要坚持每天精读一篇剑桥(剑桥4-6)+做题(剑桥5-6)+每天坚持读英语报刊杂志网站www.bbc.com,www.voa.com, 国际先驱导报等科技,经济等新闻(博客内有推荐提高雅思阅读的英文网站),现在考试的三篇文章都是这样的题材。事实证明,经常阅读英文网站报刊,到大海中游泳的人,到了雅思这种池塘考试就会觉得很轻松。很多阅读高分学生的有这样的体会:考试的三篇文章很面熟,在平时每天阅览的英文网站报刊看过。阅读也可以看雅思阅读真经3-2,因为旧文章一般占3分之一。基础词汇主要是掌握剑桥1-6题目中的同义替换词,一词多义,考点词,同时要重视加强常见单词的听写,以防听力的填空和写作中单词拼写出问题。











大家也可以找剑桥里面的该类题目来练:各准备一篇。作文题目一定要看仔细了,审题要很注意。经常发现考试时考生作文题目看错,看不懂,或单词误解,造成离题,偏题现象,比如8月9日考试时,A类大作文是In some countries ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas ,do you think advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages. Give reasons for you answer and include examples from your knowledge or experiences。有的考生就把regional areas看成religious areas,有的考生都不知道outweigh的意思。所以建议考生在考前要尽量写完我所预测的大作文和小作文,并请人面批,再读范文提高。预测里面的作文就是近期6-9月的重点,最好都要写。只有完成这个指标,才能形成自己的一套写法,才有自己一整套的句子表达,才能应万变,考试时作文才能按时间写完。人生是一个过程,雅思复习也需要一个过程,作文的提高更需要过程,偷工减料没完成我提出的指标的同学考试就会知道苦头了-要么在规定时间内写不完,要么离题或写得很痛苦。


1.写作练习三步走:“精读— 摘抄— 模仿”。
很多同学写作的最大的问题是无话可说,解决这一问题的最好的方法是先大量精读雅思写作的范文,请记住“没有大量的输入就没有自由的输出”。我VIP资料有提供所有预测大小作文的详细范文写法,也提供各种各样写作套句,写作词组搭配和句型,首段中段和尾段诸多模版供选择,具体可以看我博客置顶文章。请记住雅思写作中所有的让考官眼前一亮的东西一定是提前设计好的。记得笔者之前曾和一位雅思的前考官交流过,她曾对我说了这样一句话,让我记忆犹新:“Every word in your essay should be preset..”



1.Computers are widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play any important roles in the classroom. To what extent do you agree?

2.Wild animals have no place in 21st century. Some people think that prevent these wild animals from dieing out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this./ Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but poor alternative to a natural environment. Is it necessary to keep animals in zoos?

3. Although it is a freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?

4. Many families are having fewer children. Having even just one child can have a dramatic impact on the parents’ lives. Write about this impact in about 250 words. You can discuss the negative impact, the positive impact, or both.

5.Many problems in schools are aroused by the attitudes of students. How do these problems form? What should we do to change the situation?

6.Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

7.Some people say that people should have different amount of holiday according to their job. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this opinion?

8.Nowadays there are various methods to relieve the pressure in modern life. Some read or exercise, others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

9.The gap of living in cities and the countryside is larger and larger. What are the reasons in your country and how to reduce the differences?

10.The private motor vehicle has greatly improved individual freedom of movement. Moreover, the automobile has become a status symbol. Yet the use of private motor vehicles has contributed to some of today’s most serious problems. How can the use of private motor vehicles be reduced?

11. As for elderly, living in caring house is better than living at home with young children. Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree.

12.Young adults should undertake unpaid work to help people in the community. Do you think it brings more drawbacks to the community and the young adults than benefits?/Some people believe that some unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs (e.g. working in a charity, improving the relationship of neighborhood or teaching sports to children) To what extent do you agree or disagree?

13. People spend a great deal of time, money, and energy to see or read about movie stars, TV actors, and athletes. What role do such celebrities play in society? Write an essay of about 250 words. Give specific examples.

14. Some people live in one community in their entire lives, others move at least once; some quite often. Compare and contrast moving to different parts of the country versus living in one community in your entire life. Write about 250 words.

15.The only way to reduce the amount of traffic in cities today is by reducing the need for people to travel from home for work, education or shopping. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

16.Over the past 50 years, young people gain status and power but old people have lost. What is the cause and is it a good development or bad development?

17.Some people said the government shouldn’t put money on building theaters and sports stadiums; they should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or not disagree?
18.Some people believe that history is little or nothing to people. Others think that people must study history to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

19.Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

20.The government is responsible for protecting a nation’s cultural identity. Thus, some people believe new buildings should be built in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

21. some people suggest when people move to a new country they should accept the new culture as their own. to what extent do you agree or disagree?


1.The one who do not know how to use computer become more and more disadvantageous. Show the disadvantages and what action should government take?

2.People spend a great deal of time, money, and energy to see or read about movie stars, TV actors, and athletes. What role do such celebrities play in society? Write an essay of about 250 words. Give specific examples.

3.A balanced diet, or eating balanced meals, is the key to a healthy life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Although it is a freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion?

5. Many families are having fewer children. Having even just one child can have a dramatic impact on the parents’ lives. Write about this impact in about 250 words. You can discuss the negative impact, the positive impact, or both.

6.Many problems in schools are aroused by the attitudes of students. How do these problems form? What should we do to change the situation?

7.Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors. Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

8.Some people say that people should have different amount of holiday according to their job. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this opinion?

9.Nowadays there are various methods to relieve the pressure in modern life. Some read or exercise, others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

10.Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Others say that they shouldn’t. Which do you think is good practice.

11. Some people live in one community in their entire lives, others move at least once. some quite often. Compare and contrast moving to different parts of the country versus.
12. In the past people thought that education was only for young people. Now it is believed that education is for a person’s whole life. Do you agree? State with you own experience and specific details.

13.The gap of living in cities and the countryside is larger and larger. What are the reasons in your country and how to reduce the differences?

14.People nowadays work hard to buy more things. This has made our lives generally more comfortable but many traditional values and customs have been lost and this is a pity. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

15.Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female studying in every subject, Do you agree or disagree.

16. Advantages and disadvantages of Shopping on The Net.

17. Young people are important resources to their country, but governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. Please show those problems and give your ideal suggestions to solve them.
18. Families are not as close as before. Give reasons for this change, and suggest some ways to bring families closer.
19.衣服/服装的利弊Does fashion(服装,衣服) contribute anything to society?

20.When designing a building, the most important factor is inside use of the building rather than its outside appearance. Do you agree or disagree?)

6.27,7.11/23,8-9月G类小作文(书信)具体题目预测(较上周无变动):(VIP资料有相关范文)1.You have bought a washing machine. First you found that the machine damaged your clothes, and you had it changed. Then you found that the new one seriously entangled the clothes. Write to the manager of the department store to complain about it.2 You should write at least 150 words.

