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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-08-04

来了这个版面一个多月,看到很多国内的朋友(偶尔还有其他在其他国家的朋友)想来新加坡工作。一般的情况下,都是通过中介,大家都知道,中介为了赚钱,总是过分乐观的宣传新加坡的收入。到底新加坡各个行业的平均收入是多少呢?我找了一下MOM的report on wages in singapore 2002.在这里给大家一个参考。说明几点。第一,所有的资料出至于MOM,我只是节选了其中较有代表性的一些。想要了解更多的细节,请登陆 www.mom.gov.sg 网站。第二,如果不特别注明,那么列明的是monthly mean basic salary,如果basic wage 和gross wage有较大差异的话,我会把两个都注明的。货币单位。。singapore dollar。一般来说,manager和professional的basic wage 和gross wage差别不大,因为,这些工作,OT是没有加班费的。另外,郑重说明,我写的是mean wages,只是给大家一个参考,请各位看官不要苛刻的用什么。。我的朋友在某某行业,收入多少来反驳我。废话少说,Here we go!!

Mean basic and gross wages on selected occupations 2002
managing director 13578
general manager 10405
maufacturing plant and producting 6060
operation manager(finance) 7133
HR manager 6619
sales and marketing 6414
training manager 6254
restaurant manager 2567
research and development manager 6617
budgeting and financial accounting manager 6263
accountant 3880
book editor 2755
building architect 4257
building contruction engineer 3281
chemical engineer 3349(3987)
括号里是gross wage,下同
civil engineer 3893
computer engineer 4572(4954)
computer and information system manager 6514
computer operation and network manager 7441
electronics engineer 3631
IT security specialist 3585
manufacturing engineer 3267
market research analyst 4784(5025)
pharmacist 3612
semi-contructor engineer 3567(3917)
software engineer 3912
3)Technicians and associate professionals
assistant accountant 2611
assistant chemical engineer 2199(2571)
assistant civil engineer 2920
assistant electronic engineer 2593
assistant nurse 2006
computer system operator 2056(2421)
electrical and electronic draughtsman 2209
executive secretary 3562
manufacturing engineering technician 1779(2319)
HR officer 2987
production engineering technician 1981(2672)
sales and marketing executive 2655
seatraffic controller 5255(6135)
sports coach 2764(3142)
training officer 3107
translator 4002(4373)
pre-primary education teacher 1202
sales representative(technicial) 2868(3869)
4)Clerical workers
airport receptionist 1753(2086)
bank teller 1394(1657)
Cashier 1172(1409)
customer service clerk 1640(1937)
hotel receptionist 1118(1428)
office clerk 1643(1759)
secretary 2446
storekeeper 1532(1859)
5)Service workers and shop and market sales workers
bar/lounge hostess 1033(1507)
cook 1690(2072)
hawker/stall holder(prepare food and drink) 955(1238)
shop sales assistant 1058(1522)
waiter 973(1169)
6)Production craftsman and related workers
baker 1377(1875)
building painter 1083(1280)
electric cable jointer 2697(3224)
electrical lines installer 1726
industrial and office machinery mechanic 1611(2124)

7)Plant and machine operators and assemblers
bus driver 1282(2069)
crane operator 1961(2767)
electronic equipment/component assemblers 919(1214)
machine supervisor and general foreman 2395(2888)
metalworking machine setter-operator 1328(1890)
8)Cleaners,labourers and related workers
bellboy(hotel) 746(1057)
cleaner 815
cleaner supervisor 1284(1549)
ktichen assistant 1039(1371)
office cleaner 750
store hand

