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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-08-07



      Her:Are you bing you mobile phone?
      Me:oh~yeah~I will take it outside the door.
      Her:oky~can I see you signification card?
      Me:Right~here you are.
      Her:ok~you know how to do,right?
      Her:so~what`s you name?
      Me:Wang-Chen-Yu,it`s my Chinese name,if it`s not convenience for you,you can just call me leehom which is my English name.
      Her:ok~leehom,what`s your job?
      Me:oh~sorry~I still a student.
      Her:so~what`s your major?
      Me:you know~our Chinese student are different from foreigner.we have to learn so many subject,but most of them are useless.But when my parents tell me that I will go aborad,I major is Engilsh,because I will go to University in Austrilia.
      Her:can you tell me something about your English study?
      Me:Of course.I have learning IELTS for two months.And there are some student study with me.And we also have a foreigner teacher who is a Canada guy.He is over 60 years old but we still are good friends.He tell me something about Canada and I also talk to him about our Chinese culture.
      Her:ok~that`s interesting.are you have a good friendship with your classmates?
      Me:yeah~we often go to the Internet Bar to play computer games after class.you know,our young generation like that.
         ………….then she asked me some questions,I felt very easy because it`s all in keygen….

      Her:ok,let`s start PART2.you have 1min to prepare,and then you have 2mins to talk about your topic.you know?here you are,you can use pen and paper.
      (1min past….)

阅读:这是四门中技巧性最强的了。之前有人推荐〈〈雅思阅读真经1,2〉〉,但我一看那书,乐么厚一本,哈是学术类单词(做它的好处就是熟悉许多学术类词汇,以后见了真题就不会有太多生单词了),所以我就放弃了。强烈推荐〈〈雅思阅读十四种技巧〉〉,网上有的下,几张纸,很有含金量。绝对会对你有帮助,Heading,Maching,T/F/NG,Fill the blank,各种题型都有。当你看懂这些技巧之后,就要去实践,最好的莫过于剑1,2,3,记得一定是1,2,3。4和5是要拿来模拟题做的。(当然我并没做太多,主要是自己太懒了。有的时候边看别人翻金花边做阅读,怎么搞的好撒。)我没有背雅思阅读词汇,完全是凭技巧在做题,有的时候一篇文章都认不到几个字。 最后说一下,有常识的人都知道,阅读机警看了等于没看,所以就是不要去看。所以我也不写阅读回忆了。还有一定记得3篇阅读,如果有2套T/F/NG,一定有一套是Y/N/NG。 

         听力我想说哈听力机警。我不得不承认虽然我没用上,但绝对还是个好东西。这是四门机警里面做的最好的最全的。一般考试都会有至少1旧,一般都是2旧,甚至4旧的情况,这时它就起到了至关重要的作用,成为你拉分的最强武器。听力机警要在你考前1个月开始背,跟着预测走,每次预测只是把考过的题删掉,然后再加入三个月没考的题,所以变化不大。三手都要背(very important,important,if you have time),一直背到别人说了黑体字或话题背景,你能说出红字答案。


      首先是TASK1,A类都是图表,流程图考的很少,不需要准备,我也没时间准备,考到我就认了,反正百分之40的分么。Pair,curve,table,曲线图一定要练熟,TASK1的一定要做到看到题目直接动笔,多练(不过我练的很少,还是懒啊)关联词,固定词组要自己去多看范文,然后摘抄,这样印象深刻。每种图表题总结出自己的模版。有下标时间的柱图可以等同于曲线图写。 我一般分3段写TASK1,第一段“抄”题目,第二段描述,(如果有2个图表就再起一段),结尾段,结尾,再“抄”题目。  关于TASK2,分2种情况,一种简单的,disagree or agree,还一中discuss难的。 Disagree要自己准备模版,这样40min才够用。Discuss我没有资格评论,我平时没写过,我当时想如果上了考场碰到了,就按中文作文的方法写,说论文的写法么,不过幸好没碰到。

         The issue of….. whether or not has been wildly debated in present-day society.There are people on both sides of  the agreement have very strong reasons.From my point of view,I would like to say that……..

         Some people claim that …..,they believe that only in that way can they……on the surface of it,these reasons sounds pretty convince,but when we exam this issue from all angle,we easily find that they can not hold water.

         To be honest,wo can not deny that ……,but its bright(dark)side should not keep us from follow up its dark(bright)side.To start with,……moreover……last but not least…..

         From above camprison and constart,we can find out that…….the question of …..is that…how can we blance the two sides of the iusse.. As far as I can concern,what we must do is that to make sure the right side are encoureaged and the wrong side are elmited as soon as possible.

