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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-08-19

  据Metro News报道,由于多伦多市政工人正在罢工,影响到多伦多市民日常生活的垃圾收集。因此6月25日下午,多伦多市政府宣布除已使用的7个垃圾中转站外,再新开放19个垃圾投放点,以应付罢工“持久战”。

  1、Ted Reeve Arena - northeast corner of Main St. and Gerrard St. E.

  2、Villiers St. - paved roadway between Saulter St. and Cherry St.

  3、Sunnyside Park - pa1005rking area south of Lake Shore Blvd. W., between Ellis Ave. and Colborne Lodge Dr. (must be eastbound on Lake Shore to access)

  4、Sir Casimir Gzowski Park - parking area south of Lake Shore Blvd. W., west of Sunnyside Park(must be eastbound on Lake Shore to access)

  5、Eglinton Flats (1) - enter off Eglinton Ave., east of Jane St.

  6、Eglinton Flats (2) - enter off Emmett Ave., west of Jane St.

  7、Etienne Brule Park - Old Mill Rd. at Catherine St., east of Humber River

  8、George Bell Arena - 215 Ryding Ave., south of St. Clair Ave. W., east of Runnymede Rd.

  9、Christie Pits - enter off Crawford St., north of Bloor

  10、North Toronto Memorial Arena - north of Eglinton Ave., east of Oriole Pkwy., enter off Edith Dr.

  11、Moss Park - south of Shuter St., north of Queen St. E., west of Sherbourne St.

  12、North York Centennial Centre - 580 Finch Ave. W., in parking lot

  13、Caledonia Park - 1135 Caledonia Rd., in parking lot

  14、Earlscourt Park - west side of Lansdowne Ave., north of Davenport Rd.

  15、Taylor Creek Park - enter off Haldon Ave., in parking lot at end of roadway

  16、Scarborough Arena - 75 Birchmount Rd., in parking lot

  17、Wishing Well Park - in parking lot, north of 401, west side of Pharmacy Ave. (south of Sheppard Ave. E.)

  18、York Mills Arena - 2539 Bayview Ave., enter off York Mills Rd., east of Bayview

  19、Highland Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant - 51 Beechgrove Dr., in parking lot at end of Beechgrove Dr.

  多伦多市长苗大伟(David Miller)称目前谈判没有任何进展,而加拿大公共雇员工会(CUPE)则称目前的状况一定会比已持续10周之久的Windsor市罢工乐观。与此同时,Ipsos Reid的新民意调查发现,市长苗大伟的支持率大跌,从2005年的69%降到43%。大多数人都表示市府的做法不对。

  面对大多伦多地区市政工人的罢工,安省省长麦坚迪(Dalton McGuinty)则表示罢工不是世界末日,他希望劳资双方应该尽快在谈判桌前达成一致协方。麦坚迪还说,省府目前无意强制罢工工人复工。相反,他还建议多伦多人们多些耐心。


