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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-10-22

  I was born in silence. When I grew up, my mother told me that I did not cry like other babies at the moment I came to this world. With the eyes open with eagerness and curiosity, I did not make any sound for first few minutes. Thanks to a nurse’s tapping on my hip, I began to cry loudly, which relieved everyone in the room finally, especially my mother.
  In my mother’s opinion, she recognizes that I am an observer by nature, and I think my capability of detecting the most minuscule variation proved that point. We are living in such a wonderful world that every creature has their own identity and characteristics. Deep in an innocent boy’s heart, the moon and stars, insects and birds, snow and wind possess the most spectacular charm.
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  I admire human being’s capacity for imagination and I hope I will be one of the listed world famous construction designers one day in the future and can make my name live as long as each building I design.
  Signature:                                    Date:
  I am currently a senior student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, which is among Top 20 universities in China.
  I grew up in an academic family. Both of my parents are professors at China University of Petroleum, which is the best university in the area of petroleum. My father teaches energy engineering and my mother is mathematics teacher. I benefit a lot from my family. When I was a little boy, I often go to my father’s laboratory and exposed myself to many experiments controlled by the electrical hardware. I obtained quite a few experience and electrical techniques, yet the area was still undeveloped in China. The sophisticated configuration was composed of numerous parts.  I was deeply impressed by the advanced electrical technology. This influenced my final decision to choose Electrical Engineering as my major and my future career.
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  The combination of my practical experiences and the theoretical background in electrical engineering and other science courses have built me a solid foundation, which will surely benefit my future studies and research in graduate school. I am very interested in and anxious about entering the master program of Electrical Engineering at your University and then I will work hard and enter the Ph.D program. I am sure that I will get advanced education and engage myself in researches and innovation in your program. I hope I will contribute more to the field of Electrical Engineering in future.
  Signature:                                    Date:
  This is ×××, born on ×××, in ×××City, ××× province, China. This is my second semester of this year studying at English Translation Department in ××× University . And I have accepted 12 years fundamental education in ××× City before stepping into the campus. My parents both are serving for Electrical Industry Corporation of ××× City. Whereas, my mother is a diligent person, in her spare time, she invested and established her individual medical cosmetology—×××and its website address (www.×××.com). My whole family is proud of her hard-work.
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  China’s accelerating development creates not only just employment opportunities, but makes every Chinese student’s reasons of coming back reasonable and persuadable. When I come back with a CPA Certificate after 4 years later, I think, at that time, not just me including many foreigners, would also be proud of this royal mainland. There’s no better place for me to realize myself and makes me feel I am really belonged to.
  Bring just the memories back; Leave only the footprints behind.
  Thanks for your time.
  Signature:                                    Date:

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