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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-11-10


1.       an arm and a leg  奇贵无比  Eg:My photography course cost an arm and a leg.

2.       You’re pulling my leg 你在开玩笑吧? = Are you kidding/joking?

3.       Pull up your socks.   还需要提高   = get better = improve

4.       Too little, too late  太晚了,我不在乎了。Eg: Your boyfriend had a fight with you months  ago, you have been waiting for him to apologize to you, but he has never rung, yesterday he  finally rang you and said sorry to you, you responded: “too little, too late.”

5.       To have a sweet /flavor tooth 喜欢吃甜/咸食

6.       street smart/wise    在街头生存的智慧

7.       true blue           = made in Australia (definitely not made in China;))

8.       live and learn       活到老学到老

9.       hit and run         肇事逃亡( 撞了车,人跑掉)

10.       black and white / black and blue 黑白分明/全身青紫

11.       age before beauty    长者优先(年轻人应尊敬年长的人)

12.       you are what you eat  有因必有果(eg:你选择吃麦当劳,因而长胖)

13.       don’t count your chickens before they hatch. 不要在小鸡孵出之前把它们充数。

14.       it’s in the bag        = definitely/for sure/for certain

15.   it’s in the air         =It’s changeable

16.       old school          = middle aged+ ; or = old manners

17.       old hat             = old fashioned

18.       all that glitters is not gold. 那些看起来耀眼闪亮的东西并不是真金

19.       beauty is skin deep.    外在的美是浅薄的

20.       eyes are the mirror to your heart. 眼睛是心灵的窗户

21.       nothing is impossible/forever/perfect.  没有什么事不可能/没有什么可以永恒/世上没有完美的人或事

