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Babysitter Wanted 诚聘保姆

http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2011-09-01

安吉是一个漂亮的贝克尔斯菲女孩,她独自一人到外地上大学。在那里,她得到了一份为史坦敦夫妇带孩子的保姆工作。不过,生活并不是一帆风顺。她总是战战兢兢,感觉总是有人在跟踪她。  一天晚上,安吉去做保姆。突然,屋里响起了匿名电话。更可怕的是,总是有人在拧动房门,好像有人要进来似的。终于,房门被打开了,一个长相丑陋的男子进来了,安吉为了保护山姆(史坦敦夫妇的儿子)而与他周旋并将他制服。就在这时,史坦敦夫妇回来了。史坦敦将那个男子打死并打晕了安吉。原来,他们为了满足山姆喜欢吃女人肉的要求,发出了聘用保姆的广告。在此之前,已经有16个女孩遇害了,而安吉正是他们新的目标。而那个长相丑陋的男子其实是个神父,他是来保护安吉和消灭山姆的,但是却被安吉当成了坏人而遇难。安吉醒来后,发现自己已经被绑了。正当自己要被人宰割的时候,警察及时赶到,救了安吉一命。但是,邪教组织并没有就此覆灭,他们继续发出招聘保姆的广告,进行着新的犯罪。
A new life is starting for Angie, who's leaving the embrace of her religious mother for college studies. She applies for a babysitting job after realizing she must find a job to support herself in college. She finds herself on a remote farm of the Stanton (Bruce Thomas and Kristen Dalton) family and their adorable little boy. But Angie's first night of work might be her last.
Alone in the vast and sprawling house, anonymous phone calls begin to shatter her peace of mind. The calls turn into a face to face confrontation with a hulking beast of a man who breaks through the front door. Angie must fight for her life to protect herself and the young boy who is asleep upstairs.
In fact, the boy is a demon, who likes to eat female flesh. In order to feed him, the Stanton family killed 16 girls before Angie, their new target, arrived. The hulking man is a priest who attempted to save Angie from the devil. However, he was mistakenly killed by Angie who mistook him as an evil-intentioned man. Angie fell into danger as the couple returned to slaughter her.

